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Sensory Restaurant on Wheels
2021 - 2022

Program Introduction (2021 - 2022)

Food is essential to human life. It is not only a basic necessity but also deeply ingrained in our traditions - often as an integral part of our social gatherings connecting people with society.

“Sensory Restaurant on Wheels™” is a program that aims to recreate a nostalgic and immersive Chinese dim sum experience for elders living with dementia to improve elders’ appetite, provide cognitive stimulation of the five senses and provide a joyful, interactive experience.


Program Sponsor

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The 12-month community project is sponsored by The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) and supported by Impact Incubator from June 2021 to May 2022.

Program Impact (Completed)

The Program hosted 23 sessions of immersive dim sum workshops for over 414 elders living at elderly homes and day-care centers through our unique sensory-based yum cha experience. The events are designed based on the five senses – sight, touch, smell, taste and hearing. Fresh dim sum with a variety of texture options are provided fresh on-site.

Impact (As of Sept 1, 2022):

  • Benefitted 414+ elderly through organising 23 events at elderly homes/centres

  • Trained and employed 4 staff aged 50 or above as event assistants

  • Developed 10 soft meal dim sum items

  • Produced 12 videos related to dementia

For more program details, please visit:


Client Testimonials & Photos

" 活動內容相當有心思,值得讓同事借鏡參考。而長者亦十分享樂於活動中,其中有一位平常很少自行進食的長者,當日亦大快朵頤。"

 - 救世軍海泰長者之家

" Project Futurus 同事及現場佈置(包括背景音樂)十分能夠帶動現場氣氛,令長者十分投入進食及享受飲茶的樂趣,留意到尤其是軟糊餐的院友比平時吃得更多,更精神!"

 - 東華三院黃祖棠護理安老院

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