Reimagine the future of ageing
Think of your parents when you were a teenager, and the impression you probably had of them, was that they were quite old. However, the...
Reimagine the future of ageing
專訪 THE PROJECT FUTURUS 創辦人 QUEENIE MAN:我想盡我所能做一些無悔的事情,幫助有需要的人。
【Awarded 🏅】Champion REIT ESG Week Social Enterprise Challenge - "Best Brand Marketing Award"
【義工分享】寶「輩」SUMMER CAMP
Future Perfect: The Project Futurus’ youthful Queenie Man is redefining how society supports its older citizens and its ageing population
【特別加開🔥 】寶「輩」SUMMER CAMP
【記.《流動五感大茶樓™》社區計劃】 李錦記為長者社區上又增添多一股歡樂的正能量
Introduction Session on "Aging Innovation" Learning Series