Happy Lunar New Year!Feb 10, 2024It's another year, and the Captain Softmeal Team wishes everyone a prosperous Year of the Dragon! May you have the spirit of the dragon and succeed in all endeavors. We hope you and your loved ones have a joyful and laughter-filled Lunar New Year!#有尊嚴飲食 #TheProjectFuturus #軟餐俠 #軟餐 #軟餐製作 #softmeal #軟餐學堂 #軟餐到會 #吞嚥障礙 #吞嚥困難 #長者飲食 #長者餵食 #老友記 #長輩 #長者照顧 #介護食 #照護食 #長幼共融 #同桌同餐 #舊曆新年 #農曆新年快樂 #新年 #新年快樂 #年糕 #蘿蔔糕 #lunarnewyear #龍年 #chinesenewyear
It's another year, and the Captain Softmeal Team wishes everyone a prosperous Year of the Dragon! May you have the spirit of the dragon and succeed in all endeavors. We hope you and your loved ones have a joyful and laughter-filled Lunar New Year!#有尊嚴飲食 #TheProjectFuturus #軟餐俠 #軟餐 #軟餐製作 #softmeal #軟餐學堂 #軟餐到會 #吞嚥障礙 #吞嚥困難 #長者飲食 #長者餵食 #老友記 #長輩 #長者照顧 #介護食 #照護食 #長幼共融 #同桌同餐 #舊曆新年 #農曆新年快樂 #新年 #新年快樂 #年糕 #蘿蔔糕 #lunarnewyear #龍年 #chinesenewyear
【Futurus 分享】Bloomberg: Making it Easier for Hong Kong’s Elderly to Swallow With Softer Dim Sum, Laksa