//This afternoon, Zonta Club NTII assisted Project Futurus in simulating a unique Chinese restaurant 'Yum Cha' experience, namely 流動五感大茶樓, for a group of very weak elderly who suffer from severe dementia in an elderly home in Yuen Long. Despite being very limited in physical mobility and verbal communication, the elderly showed us how much they enjoyed the yummy dimsum (which were softmeal in disguise) by finishing all their food, putting their hands in the air and giving us their biggest smiles. It was very touching and rewarding to see how this event helped in awakening their senses and bringing up happy memories of their younger days. A little act of kindness goes a long way!”//
Repost from: Facebook @Zonta Club of the New Territories II
感謝 Zonta Club of the New Territories II 的慷慨贊助和一眾義工的熱誠和付出,為來自 #仁愛堂田家炳護理安老院 的長輩們帶來一場愉悅的飲茶體驗 透過「流動五感大茶樓」,我們希望連結社會各界關注長者的有心人士,以行動表達對長輩的關懷。
#TheProjectFuturus #zontaclub #軟餐俠 #軟餐 #五感飲食 #腦退化 #認知障礙 #社企 #社創 #SocialInnovation #飲茶 #大茶樓 #五感體驗 #跨感官 #社創基金SIEFund #ImpactIncubator #長者服務 #流動五感大茶樓 #義工活動 #認知障礙友善 #感官刺激